Monday, April 26, 2010

HGB! Challange MERC colours (Weapons)

Hey all, decided on my weapon colours today. Guns, missile tubes and APGLs will be a universal green accross the entire force. I also think it works well with the yellow.

Next up is the engines.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

HGB! Challange MERC colours...

Hey all,

here is my 2iC gear for my leaguless force with some colour added. I am currently debating between a uniform look accross the entire force or every gear with its own individual paint style. Also playing with the idea of camo. I will also not bother doing the fine details until I have decided. Any ideas?


Monday, April 19, 2010

Heavy Gear Blitz! Studio Challenge MERC Intro

Unit ID/#: The Desert Foxes (MRB# 101)

CO.: Major J. Letham

Contract Status: For Hire

Unit Strength: 3 General Purpose Cadres (Assorted Gears)

Mercenary Profile:

Will work for anyone who is willing to pay for the best. Glory is a reward best served with a side of coin. Looking to carve a name in the history of Terra Nova, while turning a profit.

Heavy Gear Blitz! Studio Challenge PRDF Intro

Citizens of Peace River,

the time for war is upon us all, and we must answer the call with haste and diligence. Through strength of will and courage with no bounds, we will triumph over all who would see our hard won society crumbled. The line is drawn here.

Our first line of defence rest in the hands of a PRDF Starter Army box and an additional GP squad. This should be more then enough to deal with the coming threat.

Commander C. Gould

Heavy Gear Blitz! Studio Challenge CEF Intro

Attention everyone!

My name is Commander W. Sage, and I am but one of the many officers in the glorious CEF that will help reunite the rogue colonies under our protection once more. Terra Nova will no longer deny its true past, and humanity will be whole once more.

Armed with a CEF/PAK starter army box, and a CEF Commando Frame squad, I will be getting ready to do battle with those who will dare oppose me. The biggest challenge I face will simply be what colours my units will parade through the streets in.

End Transmission...

Heavy Gear Blitz! Studio Challenge.

Hey all, just thought I would share something new here at the Studio. Currently every studio member has taken on the challenge of getting ready to build and paint an army of Heavy Gear miniatures from Dream Pod 9. Each staff member is responsible for building a 1000 pt core army from one of the many factions involved in the game. We will be keeping a running tab of photos on each staff members army as they are being built, and painted.

The staff list:

Leagueless/Mercs (Jon)
The North (Bill)
Peace River (Chris)
CEF/PAK (Will)

I have included a picture of my first Gear fresh off the building block to show the quality of the raw model (already customised my Gear as you can see). This Kodiak will be my army commander, and the future undefeated Merc general! So keep a watch on things here and maybe it will tempt some of you to try some gears of your own. And as usual we won't mind painting some for you either ;) Also a link posted for those of you who want to check things out.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Moving along well

Things are going well, we can put a stamp of done and approved for the Panzer Lehr, and the 21. Panzer will be shortly behind. Pictures of both will be posted shortly. The Panzer Lehr was requested to be done in photos of a battle report fashion, so I got to play a game and get all this nice new stuff shot to hell, and still pulled off a victory. Pyrific one though...

This release on our schedule also allows us to take more orders as of today.

Happy gaming!