Sunday, December 12, 2010

Afrika Korps Infantry And Gun Teams!

Here we have some photos of finished Afrika Korps infantry and gun teams from the army box set. Just need the customer to pick his base edge colour and his bushes and we are good to go.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Afrika Korps Panzers and Dianas

Just some quick shots of some good old desert stuff. The Panzers are done as if new arrivals for Tunisia, vs the battle worn and desert tested Dianas.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Late replies and late getting done

Hey all,

sorry to those who have been posting comments and getting no reply. I have not been getting notifications that people have been leaving them.

On a second note Bill is recovered and back on track so to all of our customers that this delayed, I apologise for the slow down.

Regards to all,


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bill is alive!

Hey all,

just a quick update. We apologise for any delays these past few weeks, Bill has been very sick and spent the week in a hospital with some nasty sinus problem or another. He is now back and recovering so give us some time to catch up and we can get back to business as usual.

Jon & Studio

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Afrika Korps Infantry

Hey all,

here is some pictures of some Afrika Korps Panzergrenadiers, getting ready for a customers table top.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Afrika Korps

Hey all,

here is some images of an Afrika Korps boxed army commission we have in progress. I had out all the transports out on the desk so they all got photoed first. Check back shortly for more images of the remainder to be posted over the next few weeks.

Also note a couple images of some of the Elves. Chris is hard at work airbrushing, and Bill is busy micro managing some details. Its always fun to catch them in the act of actually being productive and not drinking all my beer!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Firestorm Armada Dindrenzi progress!

Hey all,

here is the test bed ship from Spartan Games for the Firestorm Armada Dindrenzi fleet! Still some details like the engines and turrets to do but the idea is pretty straight forward.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Current Commissions & Progress...

Monty's Meatgrinder 21. Panzerdivision (90% Complete)
Hell's Highway Irish Guards (80% Complete) Mike
Hell's Highway 82nd Airborne (50% Complete)
Hell's Highway 6.Fallschirmjager (5% Complete) Will
Hell's Highway 6.Fallschirnjager (0%) Peter

I have just taken on two Fallschirmjager Commissions, anyone else who wants FJ now would be the ime so they can all be done at once lol!

Also note there will be a River of Heroes 5.SS army available for grabs on a first come first serve basis. Make me an offer I can't refuse and its yours! 1750 pts and you can track its progress and see pictures in the Gallery section of the forums at under the post My 5.SS Army Progress.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Panzer Lehr Commission finished!

Follow the link below to browse the pictures of the newest Panzer Lehr Comission (1750 pts).